1. the beach
2. the pool
3. the locker room at the gym
You know where they should not be worn? Everywhere else. Especially at movie premieres.
Come on, Zac, that's just asinine.
Apparently the CEO of hulu.com has also decided he can wear flops anywhere - including the office. I've been trying to read the article but the New York Times is seemingly so angry about the concept themselves, the page refuses to load. I think this is a good sign. The fewer people jumping on the bandwagon, the better.
A co-worker has similarly adopted Matthew McConaughey's beachcomber philosophy and has taken to wearing flops to work. To this, I say no. In response, I have begun referring to him as "Floppy" in any and all settings, whether he is wearing them or not. Example:
"Gentlemen, we'd like to get you up to speed on the plans for next quarter's new campaign. Floppy will go over the action items in this powerpoint. Let's begin."
If that doesn't say good business practice, I don't know what does.
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